47 3646-2200
BR. 280 - Km 133 – Acesso Rio Preto Velho - Rio Negrinho - SC - CEP 89295-000

Products manufactured by the company:
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Softwood Sawn Wood

Use: Furniture

Specifications: Flattened/S4S

Drying: Yes

Market: Internal

Certification: Yes

Softwood Sawn Wood

Use: Furniture

Specifications: Flattened/S4S

Drying: Yes

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Softwood Sawn Wood

Use: Packaging

Specifications: Flattened/S4S

Drying: Yes

Market: Internal

Certification: Yes

Softwood Sawn Wood

Use: Packaging

Specifications: Flattened/S4S

Drying: Yes

Market: External

Certification: Yes