Home Associated Companies Compensados e Laminados Lavrasul S/A
Compensados e Laminados Lavrasul S/A
11 5122-1088
Rua Amazonas, 572 - Água Verde - Curitiba - PR - CEP 80610-030
Av. Senador Ivo D'Aquino, 385 - Canoinhas - SC
Rua São Jose, 870 - Timbó Grande - SC
Rua Luigi Galvani, 42 - CJ 23 - São Paulo - SP

Products manufactured by the company:
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Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 30 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: CE 4

Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 30 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: CE 2+

Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 6 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: UKCA 2+

Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 9 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: UKCA 2+

Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 12 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: UKCA 2+

Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 15 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: UKCA 2+

Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 6 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: CE 2+

Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 9 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: CE 2+

Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 12 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: CE 2+

Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 24 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: CE 2+