Home Associated Companies Ipumirim Portas e Molduras
Ipumirim Portas e Molduras
49 3438-1210
Rua Dom Pedro II, 476 - Centro - Ipumirim - SC - CEP 89790-000

Products manufactured by the company:
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Type: Frame

Performance profile: PIM (Interior wooden door)

Market: Internal

Certification: Yes

Certifications: Yes


Type: Casing

Performance profile: PIM (Interior wooden door)

Market: Internal

Certification: Yes

Certifications: Yes


Type: Slab Door

Performance profile: PEM (Entry wooden door)

Market: Internal

Certification: Yes

Certifications: Yes


Type: Frame

Performance profile: PEM (Entry wooden door)

Market: Internal

Certification: Yes

Certifications: Yes


Type: Slab Door

Performance profile: PIM RU (Moisture resistant interior wooden door)

Market: Internal

Certification: Yes

Certifications: Yes


Type: Prehung Door

Performance profile: PEM RU (Moisture resistant entry wooden door)

Market: Internal

Certification: Yes

Certifications: Yes