46 3263-2030
Rodovia PR 449 s/n - Km 2,4 - Palmas - PR - CEP 85555-000

Products manufactured by the company:
To find out about all the products manufactured, just click on the “+” next to the product image and use the filter below.

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Softwood Plywood

Quality: A/C

Thickness: 18 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: CE 2+

Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 21 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: CE 4

Softwood Plywood

Quality: A/C

Thickness: 20 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: CE 2+

Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 22 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: CE 4

Softwood Plywood

Quality: C+/C

Thickness: 30 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: CE 2+

Softwood Plywood

Quality: C+/C

Thickness: 6 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: None

Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 30 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: CE 4

Softwood Plywood

Quality: C+/C

Thickness: 9 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: None

Softwood Plywood

Quality: B/C

Thickness: 12 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: PS 1

Softwood Plywood

Quality: C+/C

Thickness: 12 mm

Market: External

Certification: Yes

Certifications: None